1981, me, and Nuclear Weapons

I was doing research for a Homeland Security class a couple of years ago when I came across this picture:
W80 Warhead Receipt, Griffiss AFB, Rome, NY, 4622 MMS (circa 1981)

I’m behind Airman Grimord on the right (I’m holding the checklist — I was crew chief on this op). SSG Timmerman was QA and observing (Facing camera).

I have no idea who is underneath.

This was receipt of the first W80 nuclear warhead at Griffiss AFB in 1981 for loading on the Air Launched Cruise Missile.

I’m also in this pic (my back is!)

In the distance underneath the ALCM there is a SRAM (Short Range Attack Missle) that also was nuclear armed.

Good times!

By the way — I have no pictures from those days — cameras weren’t exactly welcome in a Nuclear Weapons Storage Area! My guess is these were declassified by the Air Force recently.

What’s missing is the image of the huge mushroom cloud mural I painted on the back wall of this maintenance bay….

About Dan McCormack

Janet and I have been married over 30 years. We have three children, five grandchildren and more on the way. I work in Defense Electronics. In my free time I ride my 2012 Cannondale CAAD10, 1992 Pinarello Stelvio, or our Cannondale R/T Tandem on Lancaster County's back roads, and try to keep up with this blog.

One response to “1981, me, and Nuclear Weapons”

  1. marc0209 says :

    It is a little known fact that Griffis stored nuclear weapons as late as the early 90’s. I was National Guard Helicopter pilot during that period and we utilized the area for training. There was a storage area called the “Q” that was a no fly area and we were warned if we flew over it we risk being shot at!

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